So sorry it has taken me forever to write! Life has been crazy since we got here. Ok well let me start from flying. We got to the DIA and this man told us to come over to where he was to wrap our bags with this plastic stuff. Apparently on international flights people like to steal things. I was like "well if you want my knee pads and spandex go ahead and take it cuz there isn't much else in there" the man started laughing and thought i was silly. Little did he know I was completely serious. So Katherine (one of my teammates), Michael (my coach), and I were all on the same flight to Frankfurt, Germany. They only had an hour layover and I unfortunately had 4 hrs. So as I waived bye I started thinking how in the heck am I going to entertain myself for 4 hrs. So I walked around a little bit tried to turn on my cell phone (which doesn't work over here) and then tried to get on my internet (which I couldn't find a connection in the airport). So i decided to go use one of the internet computers at the airport. So I pay the money and start trying to navigate. Well what I didn't realize is that they don't have the same keyboard as we do in the states so I couldn't find the @ button. So I push every button I can to try to find a way to get that stupid @ button. No luck at all so the only thing I could do was look at other websites. So basically I wasted 10 bucks to look at nothing. I was a little annoyed to say the least. And to top it all off my mother thought it was a good idea to wear my uggs on the flight so they wouldn't take up as much room. Well my feet were on FIRE for the entire trip! So thanks mom for the advice! I had hot sweaty feet!, no internet, no cell phone, no one to talk to. So the only thing I could do was make up jokes in my head and laugh (which i think entertained the people around me more than me) and people watch. There are definitely some interesting people in that airport.
So I arrived in copenhagen around 6 and had to meet up with Michael and Katherine. How we did this airport stuff without cell phones in the past was beyond me but I finally found them! Since all of us are moving into a different town Michael and Katherine had all the stuff for our apartment and Michael's car is TINY....when I saw the car I was like maybe I should have had my 4runner shipped over here! It was packed to the fullest so we had to put Katherine's bag on the roof! So 3 of us had to sit in the front seat of this car and drive 1 1/2 hrs to odense (i was like hmmm....should be interesting!) Well once we got everything strapped in we realized that we couldn't open the front doors because of how we strapped it in.....oh don't you worry we all became like noodles and crawled into the car! Needless to say we entertained a lot of people that way!
So my bags didn't actually come until the next night that we were in odense. So I had to walk around their downtown not having showered, the same clothes I had been wearing since friday afternoon, no brushed teeth, and the stupid uggs!!!!! So my first impression to everyone I met was probably "what a smelly and dirty American!" But oh well they will see me showered at some point in time!
Sorry this message was so long! But I will be on later to tell you how our first practice went! I miss everyone already and if you feel the need to leave the country please let it be Denmark and come see me!!!!
Much Love!
Sounds like some travel shenanigans already. Carrie loves the pic but I am a little put off by the fact that I am absent. I've also never been in your facebook profile pic. But there I go being all selfish again. Love you and can't wait to read more about your Danish misadventures.